
Monday, January 06, 2020

Chobi - A static photo gallery generator

I love using Microsoft Todo and before taking time off in December I create a holiday todo list. I tend to be at home with the family and do bunch of projects around. I try to ensure that I am not doing only work related projects during that time, so put in a ceiling of half a week for coding related stuff. Other Todos generally involves carpentry, DIY home projects, yardwork, cleaning etc.

One of the projects was to update my online photo gallery. Now being a programmer I made it way more complicated than I should've. I decided to code up a minimalistic program to generate static photogallery out of folders of images I export out of Adobe Lightroom. As I mentioned above one of the requirement was to finish it in around 3 days.

I am happy to share that I have the project done and the sources are available at It took me about 3 days and most of the time was spent figuring out UI stuff which I rarely do and pondering about which photos to put in the gallery.

The code is in go and it does the following

  1. It iterates through a folder of images (sub-dir not supported yet) and copies the images to a destination
  2. Also places thumbnails (configurable size) into the destination
  3. There is a template html that it modifies to display those images
  4. It also uses some client side script to 
    1. Randomize the image order
    2. Show a carousel of the images
    3. A thumbnail gallery at the bottom
    4. Automated photo rotation
Here's a screenshot of the sample landscape gallery.

Since this was very time-bound project there are tons to stuff left to do, some basic bugs abound as well. But I decided to timeout on the effort for now and revisit again hopefully in the spring.

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