I think I was born left handed, unfortunately I was brought up to be right handed. This was not uncommon in India 30 years back. Left hand usage was looked down upon.
However, the good thing is I am still ambidextrous (equal handed) in some things like using the mouse. For ergonomic reason I keep switching between left and right hand usage to ensure I do not wear out both my wrists with 12 hour daily computer usage.
The main problem I face when I switch and even otherwise when I am in left-hand mode is that most PC’s are configured for right hand use. In a course of the day I use many machines (upwards of 10) as I remote into data-center machines and even 3-4 local machines. The fastest way I have found to switch between left and right hand mouse is just run the following command either from the console or from WindowsKey+R
rundll32.exe user32.dll,SwapMouseButton
Basically this command calls the SwapMouseButton win32 function in user32.dll.
If you know of anything more brief either using command shell or powershell do let me know.