
Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Customizing Windows Command Shell For Git session


Old habits die hard. From my very first days as developer in .NET and Visual Studio , I am used to have my windows cmd shell title always show the branch I am working on and have a different color for each branch. That way when I have 15 different command window open, I always know which is open where. Unfortunately when I recently moved to GIT, I forgot to customize that and made the mistake of making changes and checking in code into the wrong branch. So I whipped up a simple batch script to fix that.

git checkout %1
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do set BRANCH=%%i

title %BRANCH%

REM Aqua for branch Foo
if "%BRANCH%" == "Foo" color 3F 

REM Red for branch bar
if "%BRANCH%" == "Bar" color 4F

REM Blue
if "%BRANCH%" == "dev" color 1F

I saved the above as co.bat (short for checkout) and now I switch branches using the co <branch-name>.

You can see all the color options by running color /? in your command window.




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